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The Music department of Missouri Southern State University present, Carmina Burama

TRIO programs at Missouri Southern State University consist of :

All three are funded by the federal government.

Project Stay provides comprehensive resources for students as they complete their bachelor's degrees and transition to graduate school and professional life. Project Stay is funded by the United States Department of Education.

Educational Talent Search identifies qualified students with potential for success at the postsecondary level and encourages them to complete secondary school and enroll in a program of study after high school. Talent Search serves students who are in grades 6 through 12.

Upward Bound is a program designed to help students gain the skills necessary to persist through high school, enter post-secondary education and obtain a college degree.

Contact the Department

Dr. Julie Wengert

Associate Vice President, Student Success
Office: Hearnes Hall 314J
Phone: 417-625-9532