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College Level Examination Program (CLEP)


Save Time. Save Money. CLEP provides students the opportunity to earn credit for their knowledge obtained: in or out of the classroom, through independent study, professional development, internships, etc. CLEP exams permit persons to earn college credit quicker and less expensive than semester long courses.

  • CLEP exams are administered by Testing Services.
  • CLEP exams are administered by appointment only.
  • Missouri Southern accepts these CLEP Exams for college credit.
  • To receive credit at MSSU, College Board must send your CLEP transcripts to MSSU.
  • MSSU accepts up to 30 credits via Alternative credits.


Registration and payment of CLEP testing costs must be made online through My Account registration portal. The registration platform will allow you to register for a CLEP exam 24/7, manage your personal information any time prior to taking the exam, search for test centers, select your score recipient institution, and purchase any study materials. Print your registration ticket for proof of payment.

After registering

  1. Schedule Appointment with MSSU Testing Services: 417-625-9577
  2. Administration cost $25 cash/money order to MSSU; Payment is made at Bursar's office, Hearnes Hall Room 105 or call 417.625.9381.
  3. In order to test, you must have a scheduled appointment, must bring your printed ticket along with proof of paid administration cost (your receipt of payment), and a valid government issued ID, such as a drivers license. Tests are administered in the Testing Center located in room 117 of Webster Hall (Bldg. #14 on virtual and PDF campus map; ). Please arrive 15-30 minutes ahead of your scheduled exam to allow for parking.

Virtural Campus Map - Directions
MSSU Testing Sites - map

CLEP for Military

  1. If you are active duty, you can take CLEP exams at no cost to you. For more information go to:
  2. If you are a veteran, you may qualify for full reimbursement of CLEP costs. For more information go to:

Missouri Southern State University is proud to be a military friendly school. We waive our testing cost for those who qualify as active duty under step 1 above.

Taking the Exam

  • CLEP exams are administered on computer.
  • Test times are generally 90 minutes. Appointments are schedule for two (2) hours to allow for check in and the online tutorial.
  • Unofficial results are known at the end of the exam
  • Official results are mailed to you and the institutions you chose to received your scores.

Rescheduling Fee: If you need to reschedule your test date, this must be done at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. Failure to reschedule within this time frame will result in a $5 reschedule fee.

Accommodations for students with Disabilities

If you have a disability, such as a learning or physical disability, that would prevent you from taking a CLEP exam under standard conditions, you may request accommodations through us. You must contact us well in advance of your test date to make the necessary arrangements and to find out our deadline for submission of documentation and approval of accommodations. Accommodations that can be arranged directly with our test center may include:

  • ZoomText (screen magnification)
  • Modifiable screen colors
  • Use of a reader, amanuensis, or a sign language interpreter
  • Extended time
  • Untimed rest breaks

If the above accommodations do not meet your needs, do not register online for your exam. Contact CLEP Services at for information about other accommodations.

Free study material

On August 9, the Modern States Education Alliance announced its official launch of tuition-free online CLEP® courses. The courses, taught by professors from leading institutions, have no prerequisites or restrictions for enrolling and cover all CLEP exam subjects. The courses are free to all users and also include free textbooks and course materials.