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Collection Policy

Collection Policy


A financial obligation is incurred at the time a student elects to register or receive any service from Missouri Southern State University (MSSU). Students must pay all assessed tuition, fees, and other associated costs by the published or assigned due date. Registration may be canceled without financial obligation at any time before the scheduled first day of classes. Students may still be responsible for some charges after dropping or withdrawing from some or all of the classes registered. Students should refer to the published tuition refund schedule at Failure to attend class or receive a bill does not absolve a student’s financial responsibility.

 Electronic bills are available to students via LioNet. Paper bills may be mailed periodically, also. Failure to receive a statement will not exempt a student from late penalties. It is the student’s responsibility to determine his or her financial obligation and how it is to be met. Students failing to pay the student account bill or any monies due by the scheduled due date each semester may receive a registration hold and a diploma hold on the account, as well as a late payment charge of $100.00.

 Students delinquent after the semester may be sent to an outside collection agency. When this occurs, students may be responsible for costs (including, but not limited to, collections fees) associated with attempting to collect the monies due. This may also result in the account being furnished to one or more national credit bureaus. Although every effort is made to contact a student prior to submission to a collection agency, MSSU reserves the right to submit a student’s account for collection at any time when the student fails to remit payment for the account balance.