Giving through your will is one of the simplest ways to give a future gift to benefit MSSU. As you and your attorney draft your will, the Missouri Southern Foundation can be included in the same manner as other beneficiaries. There are several options available to the donor as your will is drafted.
Donors should always contact the Foundation if they are considering giving a gift through a will. The donor may wish to restrict how the funds are used by the Foundation by designating certain departments or programs at the University as recipients of the gift. A Foundation representative will work with the donor and their attorney to ensure the gift is used as the donor wishes. There are no immediate tax advantages to the donor giving a gift through a will. There are, however, estate tax benefits. Assets passed to charitable organizations through your will are not subject to estate tax.
There are many examples of how a will can be used to meet the needs of a donor. In all cases donors should consult their attorney or estate planner when considering gift giving.