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Honors Courses

Honors Courses

Honors Forum (HNRS 101) - two credits

An open and interdisciplinary forum to introduce first-year Honors students to the principles and practices of scholarly inquiry and active learning. Students will read a variety of texts concerning personal and academic challenges inherent in a college environment. In doing so, they will define themselves both as students and as individuals while becoming active participants in the MSSU community and as citizens of a twenty-first century global community.

Service Learning (HNRS 201) - two credits

After intensive preparation, Honors students experience first-hand the value and challenges of community service as they simultaneously participate in and analyze the culture of a local service institution. Students keep journals of their experiences and produce reflective analyses that apply the theories they learn in the classroom to their own experiences and those of their peers, culminating in the students developing their own personal philosophies of service.

Special Topics (HNRS 298)-three credits

An interdisciplinary Honors course. Topics to be announced each time the course is offered and approved by the Honors Director. Emphasis on discussion, group activities and projects.

Research Seminar (HNRS 400) - three credits

This course will introduce Honors students to a wide range of research practices and methodologies. Students will be exposed to the language of research; ethical principles and challenges; the elements of the research process; research design; and a combination of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches.

Honors Seminar (HNRS 495)- three credits

Intensive seminar course for upper-division Honors students, culminating in a substantial research paper. Topics to be announced each time the course is offered and approved by the Honors Director.

Senior Portfolio (HNRS 490) - one credit

Students will meet weekly with Honor Program faculty to assess their progress toward completing their portfolio project. Students will select texts to showcase, compose personal reflection statements, and discuss the impact that the Honors Program has made in their intellectual, personal, and ethical development in preparation for a public presentation. 

Honors Humanities - THREE CREDITS


A special section of a Humanities course focusing on the scope and variety of works in the humanities and fine arts; the historical, cultural, and social contexts of the humanities and fine arts; and the understanding of the differences and relationships between formal and popular culture. Course topics will vary each semester.

Honors Catalog