All students who wish to participate in the Honors Program must first be admitted to Missouri Southern.
Incoming freshmen must meet one of the following eligibility criteria in order to apply:
Promising candidates will be invited to interview with Honors faculty.
Please note: Honors students cannot be members of either the MKEAP Program or the Global Leaders Program.
Current MSSU Students
Students who have completed one to two semesters of course work with a grade point average of at least 3.5 may apply for admission into the Honors Program. If funds are available, the student may be eligible for an Evans scholarship. Completion of the Honors curriculum will be required to complete the Honors Program.
Transfer Students
Students who have completed an Honors program at an accredited two-year institution may also apply and, if admitted, may be eligible to transfer in select Honors credits. If an articulation agreement does not exist between MSSU and the two-year institution, the Honors Program will evaluate each case individually. If funds are available, the student may be eligible for an Evans scholarship. Completion of the Honors curriculum will be required to complete the Honors Program.