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Master of Science in K-12 School Administration


Master of science in k-12 school administration


About the Program

This program aligns with the Missouri Leader Standards, which emphasize the school leader as a competent manager and instructional leader who continuously acquires new knowledge and skills and is constantly seeking to improve leadership practice to provide for high academic achievement for all students. Courses and assessments in this program encourage prospective school leaders to exercise good professional judgment and to use these standards to inform and improve their own practice. 

The M.S. Ed., Administration program follows a cohort structure allowing two courses per semester (5-7 credit hours) which will be offered sequentially in separate 8-week sessions. The program is offered in an online format with on-ground internship requirements. Requirements for the program align with PSEL (Professional Standards for Educational Leaders) and MLDS (Missouri Leadership Development System) standards.


Program Learning Goals/Outcomes

At program completion, students will be able to: 

  • Work cooperatively with numerous groups of stakeholders to conceptualize, communicate, and implement school and district vision. 
  • Demonstrate the ability to plan, operationalize, and manage various systematic and logistical components of the school day and building to ethically support staff and students. 
  • The capability to lead instructionally as evidenced by the ability to respond to instructional needs within the building; including curriculum planning and design, remediation and enrichment opportunities, research-based instructional practices, and the ability to understand, interpret, and make data-driven decisions. 
  • Skills to establish working relationships, offer support, and respond appropriately to all stakeholder groups including students, faculty and staff, parents, and community members. 
  • Create and take part in innovative practices to support all students in their learning, including social-emotional learning, resulting in a positive culture of student achievement. 


Learn More 

Financial Aid Program Catalog Tuition Rates 

Contact the Department

Dr. Angie Durborow 
Program Coordinator 
Office: Taylor Hall 221
Phone: 417-625-9791