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Accreditation Information

Accreditation Information

4.1 Current CAEP Accreditation Status and Reviewed Programs

Following are the programs reviewed and accredited by CAEP

Initial Programs:

Art Education Major, Grades K-12, BSE, ES08

Biology Education Major, Grades 9-12, BSE, ES09

Business Education Major, Grades 9-12, BSE, ES10

Chemistry Education Major, Grades 9-12, BSE, ES04

Elementary Education Major, Early Childhood Education (B-3), BSE, EE01

Elementary Education Major, Grades 1-6, BSE, EE14

Elementary Education Major, Grades 1-6, English Language Learner (ELL) K-12, BSE, EE04

Elementary Education Major, Special Education Major, K-12, BSE, EE03

English Education Major, Grades 5-9, BSE, EM22

English Education Major, Grades 9-12, BSE, ES12

Mathematics Education Major, Grades 5-9, BSE, EM21

Mathematics Education Major, Grades 9-12, BSE, ES15

Physical Education Major, Grades K-12, BSE, ES06

Science Education Major, Grades 5-9, BSE, EM23

Social Science Education Major Option 1, Grades 9-12, BSE, ES26

Social Science Education Major Option 2, Grades 9-12, BSE, ES27

Social Studies Education Major, Grades 5-9, BSE, EM24

Spanish Education Major, Grades K-12, BSE, ES20

Theatre/Speech Education Major, Grades 9-12, BSE, ES21

Music Education Instrumental, Grades K-12, BME, ES25

Music Education Vocal, Grades K-12, BME, ES24

Advanced Program:

Master of Science in Education, Administration Grades K-12, MSEd, GR13

4.2 CAEP Accountability Measures (for CHEA Requirements) [Academic Year]

Measure 1 (Initial): Completer effectiveness. (R4.1) Data will be available August 1, 2024.

As part of the CAEP Accreditation Process (Standard R4.1), the Teacher Education Department collects data on our completer effectiveness.  To inform this Standard, the Department designed and implemented a research project to study these variables. Graduates employed as first, second, and third-year teachers in selected local school districts were invited to participate. As part of the research project, a faculty member observed a lesson taught by each graduate once a semester and evaluated it using the Missouri Educator Evaluation System (MEES) form, the state-created, validated, and structured teacher evaluation instrument.

Data continue to be collected as the study is on-going. An overview of the data collected between Fall 2018 and Spring 2022 is below.

Completer impact in contributing to P-12 student learning growth: This measure is addressed specifically in MEES Standard 2: Student Learning, Growth, and Development.  A score of 3 or above on the 0-4 scale specifies the educator “effectively demonstrates in performance” that knowledge or skill.

Alumni Standard 2 MEES

MEESCompleter effectiveness in applying professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions: This measure is addressed by the overall MEES Score encompassing nine areas indicative of the teaching abilities and professional skills required of educators. A score of 3 or above on the 0-4 scale specifies the educator “effectively demonstrates in performance” that knowledge or skill.

Overall MEES Score

MEESMeasure 2 (Initial and Advanced): Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement (R4.2; R5.3; RA4.1)

Initial: After a graduate's first year of teaching, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education surveys the graduate and the graduate's principal using the First Year Educator-Administrator Surveys. In the 2021-2022 academic year, 97% of initial program completers rated their experience with the Teacher Education program as very good, good, or fair. In the same year, 82% of principals rated our graduates’ impact on students as highly effective or effective.  Data derives from survey item 40 (Please click on the response that best reflects your perspective about the overall quality of the professional education program you completed) on the completer survey and item 39b (Based upon the performance-based evaluation of this first-year teacher, how would you rate his/her impact upon students) on the employer survey.

Completer Satisfaction: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education First Year Educator Survey Selected Item 40: Please click on the response that best reflects your perspective about the overall quality of the professional education program you completed. (Reported percent of responses indicating Very Good, Good, or Fair). 95% of respondents selected Very Good, Good, or Fair. 

Employer Satisfaction (survey item 39a) Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education First Year Educator Administrator Survey Selected Item 39a: Please click on the response that best reflects your perspective about the overall quality of the professional education program your teacher completed. 98% of respondents selected Very Good, Good, or Fair.  Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education First Year Educator Administrator Survey Selected Item 39b: Based upon the performance-based evaluation of this first year teacher, how would you rate his/her impact upon students? 82% of principals rated our graduates’ impact on students as highly effective or effective.

Similar surveys are administered to advanced program completers and employers, but MSSU did not receive any data from MO DESE because of low program numbers/response rates.

Measure 3 (Initial and Advanced): Candidate competency at completion (R3.3)

One measure of initial candidate competency at completion is scores the Missouri Content Assessment (MoCA).  Please see the Title II information linked below for MoCA pass rates for initial program completers.  Other measures of completer competency include grade point averages and MEES scores.  Please see the Annual Performance Report information linked below for information on completer grade point averages and MEES scores.  Also linked below is the Annual Performance Report for the Education Administration program, which shows competency data for advanced program completers.

Measure 4 (Initial and Advanced): Ability of completers to be hired in positions for which they have prepared

Please see the Title II and Annual Performance Reports below for more information. 

Title II, 2022-2023 (Data will become available August 1, 2024)
Title II, 2021-2022
Title II, 2020-2021
Title II, 2019-2020
Title II, 2018-2019
Title II, 2017-2018
Title II, 2016-2017
Title II, 2015-2016
Title II, 2014-2015
Title II, 2013-2014
Title II, 2012-2013
Title II, 2011-2012
Title II, 2010-2011

Annual Performance Reports

Annual Performance Report 2023 Teachers & School Leaders
Annual Performance Report 2022 School Leaders

Annual Performance Report 2022 Teachers
Annual Performance Report 2021 School Leaders
Annual Performance Report 2021 Teachers
Annual Performance Report 2020 School Leaders
Annual Performance Report 2020 Teachers
Annual Performance Report 2019 School Leaders