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Psychology Minor

About the Degree:

The minor in psychology allows you to obtain a broad base in the study of psychology without making the commitment to the load of courses of the psychology major. Paired with another major, the psychology minor can augment a career in law, education, journalism or another field of study. You'll find that your knowledge of statistics and concepts in psychology will help further your career and your understanding of human life.

What You'll Learn:

  • Statistics and key concepts derived from at least six upper division hours and 15 hours of electives.
  • Information on mental and emotional disorders and disabilities.
  • How the human mind functions, both in terms of anatomy and psychologically.

This Degree is Great for You if:

  • You want to know more about behavioral and emotional disorders and disabilities.
  • You think your academic discipline or career could benefit from a knowledge of psychology.
  • You're interested people and want to know more about what makes them tick.


Current Catalog

Psychology Minor Catalog