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Pre-Licensure Nursing Admission Steps

Interested in taking that next step to become a Registered Nurse? 

  1. Apply to MSSU: Admissions Homepage - Admissions (
  2. Send all official transcripts to MSSU upon applying to the university
  3. Begin work on your “Potential Pre-Nursing" or “Pre-Nursing, Application Ready” checklist!
  4. Reach out to for an appointment with the Pre-licensure BSN advisor

Admission Standards BSN and LPN to BSN programs

The MSSU Pre-Licensure BSN and LPN to BSN program is approved to admit 30 students each Fall Semester and 20 students each Spring Semester.

The MSSU Department of Nursing is pleased to announce that the Missouri State Board of Nursing has approved admission to the program of 20 students each Spring semester beginning Spring 2026.

Fall Cohort: Applications open January 1st and close March 1st. Accepted nursing students will be notified with an official communication by April 15th.

Spring Cohort: Applications open July 1st and close October 1st. Applicants will be notified by official communication no later than December 1st. 

The Missouri Southern McCune Brooks Foundation School of Nursing seeks individuals with a commitment and motivation to learning and visionary leadership in the nursing profession. The Admissions Committee is interested in each individual and reviews academic records holistically, considering the following admission criteria. Academic achievement, individual accomplishments, and character are important in the admissions decisions. Please review the admission standards as follows and don’t hesitate to reach out to our BSN Advisor if you have questions.

  • Continuous enrollment, readmission, or transfer student
  • Cumulative grade point average of 2.8 minimum based on completion of first-year and sophomore courses in suggested order of study
  • Completion of the following prerequisites with a grade of “C” or higher (may repeat required courses one time)
    • BIOL 121 Anatomy and Physiology I (4 credit hours)
    • BIOL 221 Anatomy and Physiology II (5 credit hours)
    • BIO General and Medical Microbiology (5 credit hours)
    • CHEM 125 Chemistry for Allied Health Sciences OR CHEM 151 General Chemistry (5 credit hours)
    • ECON 101 Economics of Social Issues (3 credit hours) or SOC 110 Sociology (3 credit hours)
    • KINE 385 Nutrition for Human Development (3 credit hours)
    • MATH 130 College Algebra (3 credit hours)
    • PSY 100 General Psychology (3 credit hours)
    • Statistics (3 credit Hours) **PSY 320 Applied Statistics OR MATH 310 Elementary Statistics OR GB 321 Business Statistics I OR SOC 350 Social Science Statistics
    • Health Education systems Incorporated (HESI) A2 Entrance Exam minimum score of 75% on required sections (may repeat 1 time)
  • LPN-BSN track admission standards as above and including the following:
    • Current undisciplined practical nursing license
    • NLN NACE Exam (may repeat 1-time) **credit for courses with successful completion of a 75% or higher

Applications are processed and files managed in the Department of Nursing. Admission decisions are made by the admissions committee. All admission decisions rendered are final and cannot be appealed. Applicants who are offered acceptance can expect to receive notification by email and mail. Only letters sent directly to the MSSU Nursing Department may be considered official notification of acceptance to the program.

Please be sure to use your current email and mailing address within the application once submitted.

Upon acceptance to the program and prior to the beginning of the semester, nursing students must have the following completed and successfully passed.

  • Application Admission fee
  • Criminal Record Check
  • State of Missouri Care Giver Background Screening
  • Physical Exam with health requirements documented (immunizations, TB test, drug/alcohol screening)
  • Obtain and/or maintain current CPR from American Heart Association for Health Care Providers

Readmission to the nursing program policies may be found in the Nursing Student Handbook

Have Questions? Please contact the Nursing Advisor at

Nursing Program Admission Exam:

The MSSU Pre-licensure BSN Nursing Program admission exam is offered year-round when the campus and testing center are open. Students interested in applying to the program may find information regarding the exam process by contacting the Pre-Nursing Advisor, attending the information meeting each fall, or contacting the Academic/Admission Success Coordinator.

Admission/Academic Success Coordinator Email:
MSSU Nursing Email:

Need resources for the HESI A2 admission exam? Check out the “HESI Admission Assessment Exam Review 6th edition ISBN: 978-0443114090 OR HESI A2 Study Guide 2024-2025 for Nursing ISBN 978-1637753965


Application for Registered Nurse Licensure in Missouri

According to Section 335.066 Missouri Nursing Practice Act (1-16), granting of the Nursing baccalaureate degree does not guarantee eligibility to sit for the licensure examination or guarantee issuance of a license to practice nursing in the state of Missouri. Eligibility requirements to apply to write the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN), as specified in section 335.046-1 of the Missouri Nursing Practice Act, in addition, include that the applicant should: 1) be of good moral character; 2) have completed high school or equivalent; 3) have successfully completed basic professional curriculum in accredited school of nursing. Section 335.066, Missouri Nursing Practice Act (1-2) to (1-16), provides rules for denial, revocation, or suspension of license, and grounds for civil immunity. The Board may refuse to issue any certificate of registration or authority, and permit or license stated in subsection two of this section. Detailed information may be obtained through the Missouri State Board of Nursing Website.


The program is fully approved by:

Missouri State Board of Nursing
PO Box 656 Jefferson City MO 

The Bachelor’s in Nursing program at Missouri Southern State University at the College of Health Sciences located in Joplin, Missouri 64801-1595 is accredited by the:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Bachelor’s in Nursing program is continuing accreditation. The next accreditation review is Spring 2028. 

View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at

Americans with Disabilities Act Implications

Students are required to have completed a physical examination/health verification as a condition of admission to the nursing program. Students will be required to demonstrate physical and/or emotional fitness to meet the essential requirements of each course in the program. Such essential requirements include freedom from communicable diseases, the ability to perform certain physical tasks, and suitable emotional fitness. Any appraisal measures used to determine such physical and/or emotional fitness will be in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Core performance standards for admission and progression which comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 are available in the office of the Department of Nursing.