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Nursing Program

Welcome to a Personally Rewarding, High-Demand Field

Now more than ever the professional nurse is recognized for the contributions made around the world as well as local community. As a nurse you play a key role in helping people maintain, enhance, and restore their health. We deliver care with a focus on quality, safety, teamwork, and patient-centeredness. You can become a key player in this rewarding profession and we need your help on the frontlines!

The Baccalaureate prepared nurse:

  • is equipped for employment in any health care setting
  • has endless possibilities for advancing their education
  • may choose from over 100+ specialties and that number is increasing every day!


Dedicated Faculty, Focused on Helping Students

  • Faculty who embrace a learning climate of genuine respect
  • Foster innovation and interprofessional collaboration
  • Create a safe haven where students can grow as individuals and learn


Nursing, BS Degree

Solid Metrics:

Year NCLEX-RN 1st attempt

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)

100% student completion rate

Missouri State Board of Nursing

150% student completion rate

Employment rate

6 months post-graduation

2025-2026 TBD TBD TBD TBD
2024-2025 100% 77.8% TBD 100%
2023-2024 93.33% 68% 85.7% 95%
2022-2023 87.8% 66% 90.47% 87%
2021-2022 88.33% 76% 80.35% 95%


Nursing, RN to BSN Degree

Solid Metrics:

Academic Year Retention Employment
2024-2025 TBD TBD
2025-2026 TBD TBD
2026-2027 TBD TBD

The Missouri Southern State Baccalaureate Nursing Program is fully approved by the Missouri State Board of Nursing with the next site visit planned for 2028. 

Missouri State Board of Nursing P.O. Box 656 Jefferson City, MO Telephone:1-573-751-0681

Top Nursing Schools badgelogo

Rank #10 BSN Program in the State of Missouri source: 2021 Rankings: The Best Prelicensure Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Programs in Missouri |

Sessions are available for pre-nursing students or individuals interested in additional support through advisement and mentoring. Please contact the BSN Adviser Heather Winesburg at  or call 417-625-9630.

mssu nursing news

Missouri Southern State University (MSSU) Department of Nursing is proud to announce the approval of its Nursing Education Incentive Program proposal, aimed at addressing the critical shortage of Registered Nurses (RNs) and nursing faculty in the greater Joplin area and surrounding rural counties. The proposal, which includes a total funding amount of $347,252 over three years will support efforts to expand the pre-licensure Baccalaureate in Nursing program and provide advanced education opportunities for nursing professionals.

In alignment with the State’s mission to increase the educational capacity of professional nursing education programs and in recognition of the significant nursing shortage, this proposal introduces several key initiatives:

  • Support faculty positions, retention, and development
  • Support the equipment needs as the pre-licensure BSN program expands
  • Develop and implement an accelerated graduate nursing degree program.

Contact the Department

Dr. Lisa Beals
Department Chair, Assistant Professor
Office: 252 Health Sciences Building
Phone: 417-625-9775