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Campus Closed Jan. 6

Due to road conditions and extreme low temperatures, Missouri Southern will be closed on Friday, January 10, 2025. MSSU will transition to an online telework model. 

Faculty and staff who are able to work from home should do so. Please check with your supervisor if you have any questions. 


Why Kinesiology?

The Department of Kinesiology supports Missouri Southern State University's mission to offer liberal arts programs that foster the total education of each student. The department emphasizes quality teaching and academic advising while promoting dedicated community and university service. The curriculum prepares future professionals to be successful at promoting healthy, active lifestyles in a global society.

Candidates in the Department of Kinesiology are strongly encouraged to become involved in the field of kinesiology through professional development, clubs and organizations, leadership opportunities and service. The Department's programs of study reflect guidelines from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), the Society of Health and Physical Education (SHAPE America), the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the American Red Cross and requirements from the School of Education at Missouri Southern State University.

Academic Advising

The Department of Kinesiology assigns academic advisors to candidates following admission to the University. If you have declared a major in the Kinesiology Department but haven't been assigned a major, contact the Department Chair or administrative assistant for an advisor. Academic advising is a collaborative relationship between you and your academic advisor. The academic advisor facilitates and outlines the steps for the achievement of your personal, academic and career goals and encourages access to a variety of resources and services available on the MSSU campus. The advisor/student partnership requires the participation and involvement of both the advisor and you; however, meeting the degree requirements is ultimately your responsibility.


Additional Interest Areas

Lion Co-op, Center for Nutritional Security

The Lion Co-Op was founded to help students who are dealing with food insecurity, a reduction in the quality or variety of food intake which often results in disrupted eating patterns. The Center provides educational opportunities through Internships, Practicums, volunteer hours, and course work (KINE / HIST 488) and conducts research both on campus and across the state in the area of food insecurity and college students.


Contact The Department

Dr. Andrea Cullers
Chair, Kinesiology Department