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Internships and Careers

Internships and Careers

Business students are encouraged to participate in at least one internship as a junior or senior.  Internships are proven to enhance real-world knowledge, provide experiential learning, and help students build a network of industry contacts.    

Where Can I find Internships or Career Opportunities?

  • Find internship opportunities on Hire a Lion  
  • Find student internship opportunities on Hire a Lion 
  • Attend University Events for Students such as Internship Expo and Spring Career Fair 
  • Check the School of Business Events Calendar for employer and guest speaker visit 
  • Check your MSSU email early and often for the Plaster Pulse newsletter – sent to your inbox 

Earning Academic Credit for Internships

Once students have secured an internship, those that seek to earn academic credit for their internship experience are required to follow these general requirements: 

  • Contact the designated departmental faculty sponsor for approval.  
  • Internship Agreement must be completed prior to the start of the semester and well before the start of the internship. 
  • The employer is required to provide an evaluation of the student’s performance. 
  • The student must complete a weekly log of progress towards essential functions during the internship and an internship report upon completion, as required by the faculty sponsor. 

Please contact the appropriate faculty sponsor to learn more.

Course Contact
Accounting ACCT 491 Dr Lucas Dille   
Entrepreneurship ENTT 491 Dr. Dan Cravens
Finance FIN 491 Dr. Brian Nichols
Human Resource Management MGMT 491 Dr. Sarah Holtzen
Management MGMT 491 Mr. Doug Myers
Marketing MRKT 491 Dr. Dominic Buccieri
General Business Select the internship course above that best fits the internship.