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Student Transfer Information

what to expect

Social Work course schedule is based on a hybrid curriculum plan of study to ensure students receive quality curriculum while balancing personal life obligations. We believe in supporting students in seated classes to build social work practice skills, and provide opportunities for networking and relationship building with cohort and community.

Transfer students with an AA degree or who meet criteria for Admission to the Social Work Program will attend in person social work classes on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8 am - 12pm third year/junior; and Wednesdays only from 12 pm - 5:30 pm fourth year/senior.

Transfer students are encouraged to make an advising appointment with Social Work Program Director to evaluate transcripts and timing of formal application to the program. To schedule an campus or virtual meeting, email

Social Work Plan of Study
Transfer Student Admissions Information

2+2 Program

A 2+2 transfer articulation is an agreement between the following community colleges and MSSU that guarantees student’s credit will be accepted.  This supports the student’s completion of associate degree at community college and then transfer to MSSU to complete Bachelor of Social Work.

Crowder College
Tulsa Community College