Program Director, Clinical Instructor
Master of Social Work from Missouri State University
Welcome to Bachelor of Social Work Program at Missouri Southern State University! I am motivated to engage students through curriculum in the classroom and during numerous community events hosted by the department that are ways driven by student leadership. Our department has diverse faculty experience that supports each student’s development of knowledge and skills. Contact me today to lean how a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree accredited by the Council on Social Work Education creates job opportunities for your passion with people and community wellbeing!
Teaching Responsibilities: Social Work Generalist Practice Courses, Social Welfare Policies & Services, Social Diversity, Crisis Services and Intervention Strategies
Practice Experience
Office: Webster Hall 212
Phone: 417-625-3144
Field Education Coordinator, Clinical Instructor
Master of Social Work from Missouri State University
Field Education is considered the ultimate experience in the educational journey of achieving your BSW. It brings together the academic training and real-life application in our revered and highly respected field. We are proud and excited to offer varied types of placements that allow the students to experience learning opportunities in diverse and challenging environments. As the Field Education Coordinator, I secure agencies that meet the students’ goals and opportunities in community of choice, and assists in direction of their future careers. By the end of our work together Field Education, students will have completed 400 hours within an approved organization that encourages each students’ strengths. Let’s work together to start your journey in the professional field of social work!
Teaching Responsibilities: Social Work Generalist Practice Courses, Field Education Experience, Field Education Seminar, Introduction to Human Services
Office: Webster Hall 212
Phone: 417-625-3163