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Government Jobs


  • Translation/Interpretation
  • Language Analysis
  • Linguistics
  • Diplomacy
  • Civil Service
  • Foreign Service
  • Immigration/Naturalization
  • Customs
  • Intelligence
  • Security and Protection
  • Law Enforcement
  • Journalism/Broadcasting


  • Federal government organizations including:
  • Overseas aid agencies
  • Intelligence and law enforcement agencies:
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Central Intelligence Agency
  • Drug Enforcement Administration
  • Department of State
  • Homeland Security including:
  • US Customs and Border Patrol
  • US Citizenship and Immigration Services
  • Department of Defense including:
  • US Armed Forces
  • National Guard
  • National Security Agency
  • Department of Commerce
  • Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • Peace Corps, VISTA & Americorps
  • Library of Congress
  • Voice of America
  • US District Courts


  • The government is one of the largest employers of people with modern language skills. Consider studying a critical need language for the greatest number of opportunities.
  • Complete an internship with a federal agency and maintain a high GPA to be a more competitive candidate.
  • Learn government job application procedures. Plan to apply early and inquire frequently about job vacancies.
  • Review special hiring authorizations to be hired and to advance more quickly.
  • Participate in campus organizations and activities that promote interaction with international students.
  • Attend a specialized school that teaches foreign languages for additional training.
  • Live abroad and gain knowledge of politics and economics to prepare for a career in this field.
  • Increase knowledge of geography, history, and international affairs.
  • Join the armed forces as a way to get experience.
  • Consider earning a graduate degree for more job opportunities.