The B.A. in English provides an excellent preparation for graduates who plan to enter business and industry, who plan to pursue graduate studies in English and who plan to enter professional schools such as law and medicine. Graduates of this program are employed in such diverse occupations as human resources, advertising, publishing, sales management, law, mass communications and college teaching. English majors develop strong skills in writing organization and creativity and they develop a perception of and appreciation for the human values that grow out of the study of literature.
The Bachelor of Arts English major at Missouri Southern includes two majors:
Bachelor of Science in education
The Bachelor of Science in Education English degree prepares students who wish to teach English/Language Arts at the secondary level (grades 9-12). The English BSE program is accredited by the National Council on Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), following all the guidelines for teacher preparation of both of these organizations.
Taking a prescribed set of courses in Teacher Education and in English, candidates for this degree may choose to certify to teach English as a single field (Plan B) or English plus another field (Plan A). Students who wish to certify to teach English/Language Arts in the middle school should consult the Teacher Education Program information in the MSSU College Catalog.