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Faculty and Staff

Dr. william T. fischerDr.-Williams-T.-Fischer.jpg

Interim Director, Associate Professor of History

Doctor of Philosophy in Modern Latin American History from University of Florida
Master of Arts in Modern Latin American History from University of Florida

Teaching Responsibilities: Latin American history, United States history, Western Civilization
Research Interests: Amazonian history, Nationalism
Advising Areas: History, Secondary Education - History

Office: Webster 234
Phone: 417-625-3162

Aaron Carmichael Aaron-Carmichael.jpg

Assistant Professor 

Aaron Carmichael has taught English in a variety of contexts since 2006. He served as an instructor in the English Department of Zhengzhou University in Henan, China, from 2006-2009, and taught English for Specific Purposes (ESP) at Zhengzhou Chest Hospital from 2009-2011. He has been teaching in the Intensive English Program at Missouri Southern State University since 2013. Aaron graduated from Ozark Christian College in Joplin with a B.A. in Biblical Literature, and from Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, with an M.A. in TESOL and Intercultural Studies. He has lived and traveled extensively in East and Southeast Asia, and has led cross-cultural service projects in Mexico, Haiti, and Kenya. Aaron teaches composition in the IEP, and he is particularly interested in how cultural differences influence modes of written communication for second-language English learners.

Office: Webster 336
Phone: 417-625-9573

Brian Palmer Brian-Palmer.jpg

Administrative Assistant

Office: Webster 337-C
Phone: 417-659-4442

International Education

"Missouri Southern State University is hereby designated and shall hereafter be operated as a statewide institution of international or global education. The institution shall develop such academic support programs and public service activities it deems necessary and appropriate to establish international or global education as a distinctive theme of its mission."

Missouri Revised Statutes (2005)