National Student Exchange
National Student Exchange is a consortium of U.S. and Canadian colleges and universities, including Missouri Southern State University. (See the NSE consortium's website here.) Students who attend a school within the NSE consortium can go on exchange to any other member school. That means you can go on exchange for a semester, summer, or year to schools all over the United States (including Hawaii and Puerto Rico), as well as Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Canada!
NSE provides academic opportunities and adventure. Imagine the academic choices you have when you can access courses from 190 schools! Think of the adventure, the diversity you can find among classmates and professors in new regions, and the cultural and geographical differences you can explore. NSE offers a unique chance to enhance and expand your personal and academic horizons.
Program Benefits:
The National Student Exchange provides a unique and exciting opportunity for students who wish to study away for an academic year, one semester or a summer at one of 190 institutions in the United States, Canada, and U.S. Territories.
Students go on exchanges for many reasons, including:
- Taking courses not available on their home campuses
- Enhancing personal growth and independence
- Spending time in a different region
- Immersing themselves in diverse cultural settings
- Investigating graduate and professional schools
- Engaging in research
- Exploring career options
To be eligible, students:
- Must be enrolled as a full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate at Missouri Southern State University.
- Minimum home campus cumulative GPA of 2.5.
- Must be in good standing academically, personally, and financially (e.g., no conduct/disciplinary/academic integrity issues).
- Must have completed at least 24 semester hours on the MSSU campus (dual credit doesn’t count). Can’t have any incomplete grades on transcript.
- Cannot have any outstanding financial obligations to MSSU.
- Must apply online at, pay a non-refundable $150 application fee, and participate in an interview to be approved.
- Must complete a variety of items AFTER placement is made, including, but not limited to: all required paperwork, a pre-departure orientation, confirm their financial aid requirements with the financial aid office, maintain a blog, complete a financial planning appointment, participate in a survey and returning interview, and other items as they may arise.
Host Pay:
- Student pays resident-rate tuition to the host campus.
- No tuition paid to the home campus.
- Estimated tuition/fees are listed on the tuition/fees tab of each campus profile.
- Financial Aid is applied for and released through the host campus (aside from EXCEPTION campuses).
Home Pay:
- Student pays regular tuition to his/her home campus.
- Student pays no tuition to his/her host campus.
- Financial Aid is applied for released through the home campus.
All Students Are Responsible For:
- NSE application fee of $150 (payable to MSSU at time application is submitted).
- Books, course fees, materials at their host campus.
- Miscellaneous fees listed on the tuition/fees tab of each campus profile.
- Room and board, or off-campus living expenses.
- Fees if credit maximum is exceeded.
- Transportation/airfare.
- Daily living expenses/parking/sightseeing, etc.
- Be sure to look closely at the tabs at the bottom of each campus profile page. There are tabs for Academics/Conditions/Tuition and Fees/Financial Aid/Rooms and Meals.
- March 3, 2025 is the priority application deadline for Summer 2025, Fall 2025, and Spring 2026. You may still apply after this date, but some of the universities on Home Pay may no longer be available. Apply online at