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Campus Closed Jan. 6

Due to road conditions and extreme low temperatures, Missouri Southern will be closed on Friday, January 10, 2025. MSSU will transition to an online telework model. 

Faculty and staff who are able to work from home should do so. Please check with your supervisor if you have any questions. 


Below are some frequently asked questions that we often receive.

How do I get to Blackboard?

Blackboard is located at

You can also find it on the MSSU homepage under "Quick Links".

Why can't I log into Blackboard?

If you have just been enrolled, the system will take a couple hours to create an account for you.

If you are trying to get in before the semester that you are enrolled in, it will not open up until 2 days prior to when classes start. 

Why do I not see my classes listed?

Classes are not listed until 2 days prior to the classes' start date. 

If you are taking an eight-week course, these also do not show up until 2 days prior to the start date.

Why is nothing in my Blackboard class?

Contact your professor to see if they use Blackboard. (Not all classes use the Blackboard course that is created.)

Why is my professor not receiving my emails through Blackboard?

Make sure you are emailing the professor directly. Don't reply to an announcement where the email address is "do-not-reply@learn-prod....". If you reply to this email, your professor will not get your response. 

Try using the "Send an Email to your Instructor" link in the Blackboard course.

Why can't I access ___ (test, quiz, assignment, etc.)?

Email your professor and make sure that they have it opened for the student to view. 

Also check the due date and make sure it is not past due.