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University Employee Policies

Acceptable Use of Computer and Technology Resources Policy 

Access Control Policy

Alcohol and Drug Free Workplace Policy

animal event request policy

Anti-harassment Policy

Attendance and Punctuality Policy

Background Checks and Criminal History Policy

Bereavement Leave Policy

Call-in Pay for Classified Employees Policy

Campus Closure Policy

cell phone policy

Chosen Name Policy

Code of Conduct - Ethics, Conflicts of Interest, and Outside Employment

Compensable Travel Time Policy

Compensation and Classification - University Employee Structure Policy

Confidentiality Policy 

Consensual Relationships Involving Students Policy

Data Request Process

Data Standards and Integrity

Disciplinary Guidelines Policy

Employee Benefits - Insurance Benefits Policy

Employee Conduct - Personal Appearance & Dress Code Policy

Employee Reasonable Accommodation Policy and Procedure

Employee & Dependent Tuition Scholarship Policy

Employee Service Animal and Emotional Support Animal Policy

Employment of Relatives Policy

Employment Policies and Procedures - Recruitment and Hiring

Excessive Absences and Other Leave Issues Policy


General Complaint Policy

General Provisions for Disciplinary Actions Policy

Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)

Information Technology Asset Management Policy

Intellectual property policy

Jury Duty and Court Witness Leave Policy

Layoff Policy

Leave Benefits - Holiday

Leave of Absence Policy

Leave Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Policy

Lost and Found Policy

Meal and Rest Break Policy

Military Leave Policy

Minors on Campus Policy

Naming University Properties, Programs, Positions, and Facilities

Non-Discrimination and Non-Harassment Policy

Non-Emergency Text Messaging Policy

Other Disciplinary Action Policy

Overtime Pay for Classfied Employees Policy

Parental Leave Policy

Parking and Traffic Regulations Policy

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Performance Evaluations Policy

Philanthropic Funds Policy

Political Activity Policy

pregnancy modifications policy

privacy policy

Processing Employment Applications Policy

procurement card (P-Card)

Procurement Policy

Progressive Disciplinary Action Policy

Promotion and Transfer Policy

recruitment and hiring policy

Religious Accommodations Policy

Remote Work Policy for Non-Exempt Employees

Retirement Benefits Policy

Separation-Resignation from Employment Policy


Shared Sick Leave Pool Policy

Sick Leave for Classified Employees Policy

Sick Leave for Professional Staff Employees

Smoking and Tobacco Use Policy

Social Media Policy

Sponsorship of Foreign National Policy

Teleworking Policy

timely warning policy

Title IX Rights of Pregnant and Parenting Students

University Property Policy

Vacation Leave for Classified and Professional Staff Employees Policy

vacation sick leave earning schedule - 10 & 12 month faculty policy

Victims Economic Safety and Security Act (VESSA)

Volunteer and Internship Policy

Voting Leave Policy

Whistleblower Protection Policy

Work and Shift Assignment Policy

Workers Compensation Benefits Policy