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Student Activities

The Music department of Missouri Southern State University present, Carmina Burama


The mission of the Missouri Southern Student Activities Office is to be a positive factor in the university’s retention and graduation rates by increasing the level of student engagement on campus. The Student Activities office also promotes the development of students as individuals professionally, socially, and academically in a global society. This is accomplished through events sponsored by the Campus Activities Board, registered student organizations, and Greek Life on campus.

What We Offer:

  • Learn more about over 75 registered student organizations on the Missouri Southern campus
  • Join one of the two fraternities or two sororities and Go Greek
  • Take part in Campus Activities Board meetings and help plan events on campus
  • Attend free events on campus including: movies, entertainers, custom novelties, picnics, bingo days, photo booths, and more

What it Means for You:

Our main purpose is to make sure that you are having as much fun at Missouri Southern as possible. Whether that is through joining a club and making new friends, going Greek and learning the true meaning of brother and sisterhood, or attending events sponsored by the Campus Activities Board, it is our hope that you enjoy all of your time at Missouri Southern.

CAB Event

Campus Activities Board

Campus Activities Board (CAB) is the student-led programming organization that plans campus events for students. CAB events vary from semester to semester, but always aim to enhance the collegiate experience. CAB brings lecture series, comedians, musicians, film series, interactive games and novelties to campus. All events are free for MSSU students. Students should download the Lion Link app to stay up to date on all events!

Leadership Development:

The Student Activities Office also plays an important role with Homecoming and other Special Events such as Welcome Week. It also serves as a resource to student organizations through approving publications and registering events.

Contact the Department

Jesse Brower

Interim Director of Student Activities
Phone: 417-625-9538

Student Activities Instagram